Public Speaking

Overview – The foundations of this course are rooted in ethical speech and civility.

This program introduces the participant to communication via speech. Emphasis is placed on the practical skill of public speaking with focus on use of language, pronunciation, techniques and presentation aids to enhance the participant’s presentation and provide them with the basic principles of organization and research needed for writing and delivering effective speeches.

This program will position the participant for future success in their public speaking roles or strengthen their position by teaching new strategies so they achieve better results.  

You will learn

  1. How to plan and prepare a speech which fit the needs of the occasion.
  2. How to create a logical outline for your speech.
  3. How to use presentation aids to enhance your speech.
  4. Where to conduct research on the topic for your speech.
  5. How to listen to and observe the speech delivery of others and use it to improve yours delivery.


Who should enroll

Enroll now if you are a professional who need to develop or sharpen your public speaking skill.

Our model

Course duration 3 weeks per module

Class size 12 students maximum

Format mixed

This course is performance-based hence great emphasis will be on the participant’s ability to create and deliver an effective speech during the course. Our class size is small with a maximum of 12 students. Our class is delivered via a mixed format.